Is Your Website Going Down Randomly?

Prevent Website Downtime with Hosting Maintenance in Edmonton

In today’s digital landscape, a website is crucial for any business or organization. One of the recent studies by StatusCake found 8/10 site owners found out about their website downtime through customers emailing them or @’ing them on social media.

Website downtime can lead to revenue loss, negative user experience, and a tarnished reputation. As a leading Edmonton-based company specializing in website design, SEO, web hosting, and web maintenance, SelexWeb understands the importance of keeping your website functioning smoothly.

System monitoring services

In this article, we will discuss common reasons for website downtime and how our Edmonton web hosting and website maintenance services can help you prevent and resolve these issues.

Server Overload

Server overload is a frequent cause of website downtime, often resulting from excessive traffic that overwhelms the server. With SelexWeb’s web hosting services in Edmonton, we offer scalable hosting plans and the use of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to distribute traffic across multiple servers, preventing server overload and ensuring your website remains accessible.

Hardware or Software Failures

Hardware malfunctions, such as faulty hard drives, or software failures, like bugs or outdated software, can cause website downtime. Our website maintenance services in Edmonton include regular hardware and software checks, minimizing the risk of failures and keeping your site up and running.

DDoS Attacks

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks aim to crash your website by flooding it with fake traffic. SelexWeb’s web hosting services protect your site against DDoS attacks by employing web application firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and monitoring services, ensuring your website remains secure and operational.

Domain Name System (DNS) Issues

DNS is responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses. If issues arise with your DNS settings or provider, your website may become unreachable. As part of our website maintenance services, we regularly review your DNS settings and recommend reliable DNS providers to prevent downtime. Learn more about how DNS issues can impact your web presence and communication channels.

Expired SSL Certificates

SSL certificates secure your website and encrypt sensitive data. If your SSL certificate expires, browsers will display a security warning and may block access to your site. SelexWeb’s web maintenance services in Edmonton include timely SSL certificate renewals, keeping your website secure and accessible.

Coding Errors

Improper or incorrect code can lead to website downtime. SelexWeb’s website maintenance services ensure that your site is built using best coding practices. Our professional web development team is available to review your site and fix any errors, ensuring optimal performance.

Scheduled Maintenance

Websites may go down due to planned maintenance, such as server upgrades or software updates. SelexWeb’s web maintenance services in Edmonton involve advanced notification for users about scheduled downtime and carefully planned maintenance during periods of low traffic.


Website downtime can be frustrating and costly for businesses. By understanding common causes of downtime and utilizing SelexWeb’s website management and maintenance services in Edmonton, you can minimize the risk of your website going down randomly. If you need top-tier website hosting & maintenance assistance, contact SelexWeb – your trusted partner in Edmonton for all your online needs.

Written By

Picture of Sayem Shahid

Sayem Shahid

Sayem is a web developer who loves writing code and making magic happen. The most exciting part of his job? Connecting the dots: figuring out how to translate what people want to happen in computer languages! When it's not work time, you'll find him in the kitchen cooking up something delicious or playing billiards with friends on the weekends.

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